Instructions for November 18 backing campaign and other items (escrow addresses)

If you need to know about bonus allocation and schedules, please read this blog:
The donation portal is located at — it will be fully active as of 06:00 UTC November 18. Currently, you can register, login and create your mnemonic seed (please read security section below); deposits for donations will work at 06:00 UTC.
Watch this short video for instructions.
As we are fast facing towards the campaign start in less than 24 hours, we finally find a break to address some of our supportive community questions and requests; we want to also take the opportunity to provide some security recommendations for the Donation campaign.
Security Recommendations
In order to participate in the “WINGS Donation Campaign”, you will need to create (register) a “WINGS Account” using your email address and a password. If you already registered on or with Eggsbot you can use these log-in details to access the site.
For your security, when you login or register to the “WINGS Donation Campaign” you must do it from your private computer using a private network, from a private physical location. WINGS stores and uses your email and password to provide a view only mode of your donations and referrals, to link your email to your public key (“WINGS Address”) created from your mnemonic private key. WINGS also stores your “WINGS Address” in the “WINGS Donation Database”. Your “WINGS Address” is the public address where your “WINGS Tokens” will be allocated by the smart contract.
During your first login you will be required to generate a mnemonic private key (“Seed”). A “Seed” is a 12 words unique phrase and the only way you can access your “WINGS Tokens”. WINGS does not store the “Seed” and cannot recover it if lost. WINGS strongly recommends that you follow the following security recommendations in order to ensure your account and Tokens are safe:
- When you register your account use a very strong password.
- Enabled 2FA to further safeguard your account’s privacy.
- Do not use the Donation Campaign Portal from any device that is not your own.
- Do not use the Donation Campaign while connected to a public network.
- Write down the “Seed” on piece of paper and safeguard the paper at all times beyond at least 2 separate physical locking devices, e.g. a fire & water resistant safe and a door.
- Verify that you did not leave any unwanted copies of the “Seed” on your computer.
- Never share the “Seed” with anyone; if someone gets the “Seed”, by any means, they gain full access to your “WINGS Tokens”.
One of the first things that were asked when we first announced our project was to address the issue of Escrow, that will operate in the best interest of the WINGS Token holders. This item was raised with our legal counselors and the concern that these Escrows would risk being categorization as financial intermediaries was raised. Therefore, a legal resolve had to be devised, and in cooperation with our legal team a solution was found.
The Foundation reached out to known, respected, experienced crypto professionals and offer them an opportunity to Advise the governing body of the Foundation (“Foundation Council”) and receive mandates to operate as Escrows. The list of Escrows below is divided into Escrows that are part of the Foundation Council, and those that operate under a legal mandate from the Foundation Council.
Furthermore, the Foundation has engaged the services of a well known Bitcoin wallet provide to provide vault services for BTC. The funds are currently transferred in manual mode so a small period might be between the transfer and the actual display of the funds in the vault. Note that some may have a small amount of some currencies was debited before the start of the campaign to test address.
BTC address
Vault address is: 3GQBU4AUPjdbg1hoYDPWSc4qTRfAgbiERW
ETH address:
ETC address:
XRP address:
LTC Address:
List of Escrows:
Escrows part of the WINGS Stiftung Council:
Povod, Boris- Core Developer and Council President at WINGS Stiftung
Boris is a well-known, experienced blockchain developer, active in the crypto space. In the past he Co-Founded Crypti and served as the lead developer. Also acts as a technical advisor for Lisk
Public Keys:
- ETH — 0x0097B5E8c77ac7C54B10987d51975E70AF9cF4d6
- ETC — 0x45Ded7312026854EFD298B36992c4126c0E03E1b
- Ripple —rUqmU4LujmbHyemDSjEURTovFpytZXM28T
- LTC — xpub661MyMwAqRbcExoojJn242wdXL4AJn1ZavTfKQpRcvxz3vbp4gjsg4Hb2qNTaerCtkF8dXHkHEYeCCLXEunANcqxA2PUCwS3RGTEYTYsCXr
Schmitz-Krummacher, Guido — Council Member at WINGS Stiftung; Managing Director at Sielva Management SA
Guido has 5 years of HR experience in Switzerland & Germany, 10 years of sales experience (Finance & Banking) and 3 years of experience in journalism & marketing. He spent 7 years in international project management at military conflicts areas and served as Chief Executive Officer of security & logistics in Afghanistan, Sudan, Angola.
Public Keys:
- ETH — 0x0034E9B79e348895A8414cde7ef1A6C00cc2C008
- ETC — 0x3c909C5fAf968Bf41377d8C5B2D3B8d8789835f0
- Ripple —rwskPnZmQQUJsoc96XkxZMmqw7DoG8FAQ9
- LTC — xpub661MyMwAqRbcGHdnefzQG5ANbKuwTpgzMiJxzGh266KFMDAzSUQxpGgZPjkpVjSJp29xQJLCxajG2RN1AAU8hCz9PZ1RYPz4Uu83scGEjxa
Escrows Operating Under Stiftung Council Mandate:
Gu, Eric — Co-Founder of; Organizer at Shanghai Bitcoin Meetup
Eric is a crypto enthusiast focusing on the economic, social, political implications of the field. In the past, Eric worked for Hua Data Technology Co., Canon and the Government of Ontario, Canada.
Public Keys:
- ETH — 0x004B6fBC99fd49649CBc165775b58001c9957669
- ETC — 0x9592F65509c8A76dDF0bf07Fa9a99e1c41B3eF84
- Ripple —r9w7upb51NCMKNYbxB1EEofa1cqqrpyPG9
- LTC — xpub661MyMwAqRbcGXzBo1qspsCYAncSRycN4yb7dvbLRqVzmsEcWyRVRqwgcBmtKzTiMTLwpwUAZEJFBpazLKeDcsrmkNpxPHwh5tVofqzUSua
Linder, Thomas — Tax Partner at MME Legal | Tax | Compliance
Thomas has a strong personal national and international network among consultants, enterprises and administrations which, in combination with his comprehensive technical skills, allows him to develop creative, tailor-made and efficient tax structuring solutions. He is regularly publishing and lecturing on current tax topics and is the co-author of several textbooks.
Public Keys:
- ETH — 0x0070b8730e8B2A514759EE5591526c32b2991CFA
- ETC — 0x2d73740C3E4ec317dB97Bb72782f1a0A9F8AbB69
- Ripple —rMN3BFFo75GL3vm6ba3Dnoa9vDvjb6HLbN
- LTC — xpub661MyMwAqRbcGXcVqpgR2DZ9KU4F3Y3PCuPhpLzwxknk3bLRjCxYTyGDAAxD7u47ynAvLnwV99YayCuS6Yj3vq56vFTTTWFHJTbYtwhXZ7x
Oskin, Stas — Core Developer & Bizdev at WINGS Stiftung
Stas is a known and respected member of the crypto-community, involved in the field since 2013. He has over 10Y of extensive experience in engineering, development and management of software, cloud, healthcare, crypto-currency, social products and services.
Public Keys:
- ETH — 0x009590f3143D89D10e6150Dc45f17Be3E9AC2f7d
- ETC — 0x0675C8d905fc2Bf5d95E6F703E31E0dAd84a184b
- Ripple —rMxdesuTkq5s32Z6beuVdEEKN3RHgpbfn4
- LTC — xpub661MyMwAqRbcFYujpjxx9cSn8kLkr6SBCY69x3Fo2MLKPQogR6oNNf4NXwH2Vz7rFVv6c69iCZjsTXn7svW2RvXGoKqvqAyhXe4jTdnnXC4
The “Foundation Council”, together with the “Advisory Board” will release the funds as required to conduct the development according to the milestones and roadmap and in the best interest of the WINGS Token holders.
We are working to approve all bounties, and we will close all bounties as of November 25 with the exception of a special hackathon bounty that is part of a forthcoming agreement and partnership with the Blockchain Education Network. Please submit your bounty requests as usual to
Last thing on today’s list is the project Roadmap which many members of our community showed interest in. Below you will find a detailed Roadmap for the next three years. A simplified version of the Roadmap will be made available soon.
Participate in the WINGS backing campaign
A kind reminder that the WINGS campaign is now live and reaching nearly 1500 BTC of support. Join the community of over 1000+ who will be new WINGS DAO members in 2017! Https://